Townsville Clinical Psychology Services


It can be a life altering decision to engage with a psychologist and the process of choosing a therapist or consultant can be one of the most important decisions you will make. To ensure your experience of therapy is rewarding it is vital that you feel comfortable with your therapist and that the environment is sensitive and respectful.

1. Therapy

Dr Shaun Dempsey provides one on one client centred psychological interventions for issues including:

Some of the evidence-based interventions used by Shaun include:
Townsville Clinical Psychology Services
Are my sessions confidential?

All personal information gathered by Dr Dempsey as the psychologist during the provision of the psychological service will remain confidential and secure except where:

  1. It is subpoenaed by a court, or
  2. Failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at serious and imminent risk; or
  3. If disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law; or
  4. Your prior approval has been obtained to
    1. provide a written report to another professional or agency. eg. a GP or a lawyer; or
    2. discuss the material with another person, eg. a parent or employer;
IFS Consultation Australia - Clinical Psychologist

2. Assessment

Dr Shaun Dempsey provides one on one client centred psychological interventions for issues including:

Emotional or behavioural assessment

Emotional/behavioural assessments can be employed to highlight some of the clinical issues experienced by individuals including anxiety, depression, sleep difficulties, aggression, or hyperactivity. As well as highlighting some of the difficulties, emotional/behavioural assessments can also identify individual strengths, such as as existing positive networks, problem-solving ability and resilience. Typical tests used to assess an individual’s emotional or behavioural state include the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), The Spence Anxiety Scales, The Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS) and the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL).

Cognitive Assessment

A cognitive assessment can assist parents and teachers in better understanding a child/adolescent’s intellectual abilities. An in-depth understanding of this allows parents and teachers to better help a child/adolescent who may be struggling academically and/or socially. Typical tests used to assess an individual’s cognitive ability include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV), The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) or the Wechsler Pre-Primary Scale of Intelligence Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV).

Personality assessment

Long term relationship or interpersonal issues might lead you to consider a personality assessment as one way you can gain information about your personality profile or how others might perceive you. A typical personality measures used is the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI).

3. Supervision

Dr Shaun Dempsey has been providing supervision to other psychologists for 20 years. In particular he provides:

Townsville Clinical Psychology Services
Picture of Shaun Dempsey

Shaun Dempsey

Clinical Psychologist

Australian Psychological Society